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Blue Mango


GRADE –  Sencha – made to Japanese specifications


Cup characteristics:  Like being carried on trade winds, notes of mango create exotic fruit pungency. Pineapple cubes added highlight to the mango character and …Try it today and if you become tempted to sell any family members in order to purchase more, don’t say we didn’t warn you!))

Luxury ingredients:  Green tea, Pineapple pieces, Mallow petals, Natural flavours.

£ 6.50

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SKU: 771541420014 Category:


Throughout history the Blue Mango appears to have held many people in its grasp. Among them is an Indian writer named David Davidar who recently published a book called The House of Blue Mangoes. He describes the blue mango as “astonishingly beautiful” and recounts how the fruit glints blue in the dark green leaves of the tree. In Thai the fruit is called, “The Brahmin Who Sells His Wife”.

This name commemorates the legend of a Thai man who fell in love with the fruit and sold his wife for a basket-full. Eastern legend, (no one is sure from where exactly since mangoes have been widely exported and cultivated for millennia) says that the meat of the blue mango is so sweet that after eating just one, you won’t be able to taste sugar for three days.

After trying the pulpy sweet blue mango we (Natteas) believed in this legend. And when we found this tea we knew this tea should be in our collection because if not then this is a crime in front of you! This particular tea has a very smooth, sweetish taste with an almost honey like finish that truly enhances the natural Mango flavouring.

Interestingly, the base Sencha derives its smooth character from the way it is processed. The green tea leaves can be plucked from the same plants as black teas but forgo black tea’s fermentation process. Once they are plucked and chosen for green tea production, their leaves are immediately steamed and bruised by machine or by hand.

They are then pan fried or basket fired giving the tea its glossy look and feel. The lack of fermentation, steaming, and firing results in teas that have a fresh, almost full of life character. Try some today, and if you become tempted to sell any family members in order to purchase more, don’t say we didn’t warn you!


Bring filtered or freshly drawn cold water to a rolling boil. Place 1 slightly heaping teaspoon of loose tea for each 7-9oz / 200-260ml of fluid volume in the teapot. Pour the boiling water into the teapot. Cover and let steep for 3-7 minutes according to taste (the longer the steeping time the stronger the tea). Milk and sugar are not recommended. Ideal Brewing Temperature: 85ºC/185ºF. For Food Safety reasons bring water to 100ºC/212ºF and let it cool down to 85ºC/185ºF.


(Pitcher): (to make 1 liter/quart): Place 6 slightly heaping teaspoons of loose tea into a teapot or heat resistant pitcher. Using filtered or freshly drawn cold water, boil and pour 1¼ cups/315ml over the tea. Steep for 5 minutes. Quarter fill a serving pitcher with cold water. Pour the tea into your serving pitcher, straining the tea. Add ice and top-up the pitcher with cold water. A rule of thumb when preparing freshly brewed iced tea is to increase the strength of hot tea since it will be poured over ice and diluted with cold water. (Note: Some luxury quality teas may turn cloudy when poured over ice. This is a sign of luxury quality and nothing to worry about!)

(Individual Serving):

Place 1 slightly heaping teaspoon of loose tea  into a teapot for each serving required. Using filtered or freshly drawn cold water, boil and pour 6-7oz/170-200ml per serving over the tea. Cover and let steep for 5 minutes. Add hot tea to a 12oz/375ml acrylic glass filled with ice, straining the tea. Not all of the tea will fit, allowing for approximately an additional ½ serving. A rule of thumb when preparing freshly brewed iced tea is to increase the strength of hot tea since it will be poured over ice and diluted. (Note: Some luxury quality teas may turn cloudy when poured over ice. This is a sign of luxury quality and nothing to worry about!)

We strongly recommend using filtered or freshly drawn cold water brought to a rolling boil when brewing all types of tea. Today’s water has been known to carry viruses, parasites and bacteria. Boiling the water will kill these elements and reduce the potential incidence of water-borne illnesses.

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