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GRADE – OP(Orange Pekoe)


Cup characteristics: Fresh, clean taste, this is delightful and intensely berry. As an iced tea – savor the flavor!

Luxury ingredients:  Black tea, Elderberries, Elderflower, Blackberry + Lime leaves, Cranberry pieces, Safflower petals, Natural flavours.

£ 6.50

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SKU: 771541440913 Category:



These little round, blackish-purple berries are usually harvested in late August and early September. When most people think of Elderberries, more often than not they think of jams, jellies, pies, even wine. Besides being delicious however, Elderberries have had many other traditional uses. Some early recorded instances of the consumption of the berries date to ancient Greece. Texts from that period record that the berry was thought to be effective in boosting the respiratory and immune systems. More recently, early North American pioneers prized the Elderberry for its perceived ability to ease ailments such as the common cold. We prize the Elderberry for its ability to flavour our Ceylon tea with an intense berry character. Delicious when served piping hot, this tea is also divine over ice. Berrylicious! Fresh, clean taste, this is delightful and intensely berry. As an iced tea – savor the flavor!

We only use teas from the top3 tea growing regions of Sri Lanka – Nuwara Eliya, Dimbula and Uva. Dimbula and the western estates of Nuwara Eliya have a major quality peak during Jan/Feb, whereas Uva and the eastern estates of Nuwara Eliya have their peak in July/Aug. This dual peak period allows us to buy the best for our flavoured tea several times a year. These high-grown districts produce teas that have classic ‘Ceylon’ tea character, noted by floral bouquet and flavour notes, touches of astringency and bright coppery colour.  Flavouring oils, not artificial crystals, give the tea drinker high quality tea that tastes great.


Bring filtered or freshly drawn cold water to a rolling boil. Place 1 slightly heaping teaspoon of loose tea for each 7-9oz / 200-260ml of fluid volume in the teapot. Pour the boiling water into the teapot. Cover and let steep for 3-7 minutes according to taste (the longer the steeping time the stronger the tea). Ideal Brewing Temperature: 100ºC/212ºF


(Pitcher): (to make 1 liter/quart): Place 6 slightly heaping teaspoons of loose tea into a teapot or heat resistant pitcher. Using filtered or freshly drawn cold water, boil and pour 1¼ cups/315ml over the tea. Steep for 5 minutes. Quarter fill a serving pitcher with cold water. Pour the tea into your serving pitcher, straining the tea. Add ice and top-up the pitcher with cold water. Garnish and sweeten to taste. A rule of thumb when preparing freshly brewed iced tea is to increase the strength of hot tea since it will be poured over ice and diluted with cold water. (Note: Some luxury quality teas may turn cloudy when poured over ice. This is a sign of luxury quality and nothing to worry about.)

(Individual Serving): Place 1 slightly heaping teaspoon of loose tea into a teapot for each serving required. Using filtered or freshly drawn cold water, boil and pour 6-7oz/170-200ml per serving over the tea. Cover and let steep for 5 minutes. Add hot tea to a 12oz/375ml acrylic glass filled with ice, straining the tea. Not all of the tea will fit, allowing for approximately an additional ½ serving. Sweeten and/or add lemon to taste. A rule of thumb when preparing freshly brewed iced tea is to increase the strength of hot tea since it will be poured over ice and diluted. (Note: Some luxury quality teas may turn cloudy when poured over ice. This is a sign of luxury quality and nothing to worry about!)

We strongly recommend using filtered or freshly drawn cold water brought to a rolling boil when brewing all types of tea. Today’s water has been known to carry viruses, parasites and bacteria. Boiling the water will kill these elements and reduce the potential incidence of water-borne illnesses.

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